Thursday, May 29, 2014

All Great Things Must Come to an End... Eventually

Well here it is. The last blog. FINALLY I'M DONE WITH THIS THING. Just kidding, I've really enjoyed learning about these various cases. It allows you to admire a different kind of intelligence. I hope you curious readers have enjoyed the past few blogs I have posted. But I really hope I haven't inspired any of you. Don't want a potential lawsuit on my hands here...

This blog has been a real eye opener for me because I've been learning that it's not always as difficult as we assume to do something like this. These criminals are intelligent, despite that I assume some of them have a mental disorder. To cover up your tracks like these last 8 people have done so well is beyond me.

I have provided my opinions over the past months on various murders that I discussed. Obviously my opinions will not be serving anyone justice, but it's more of a way to satisfy people who are bothered by unanswered questions. It may be vague sometimes, but it's better than nothing. My opinions were all educated guesses really. I didn't just say something because I had to have an opinion, I always had a reason to back up my ideas. I explored other opinions as well sometimes, and would explain how I agree or disagree with the testimonies.

Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoyed it. And if this blog did happen to inspire you, or give you some ideas... I'd prefer to be left out of your excuse as to why you killed someone. Anyway, see ya!


  1. I really wish this blog, probably over all other blogs, wasn't over. I read and commented on every single post I'm pretty sure. Such an interesting topic and great choices of individual cases that really did keep me interested. Pretty sure we're both pretty twisted on the inside after all! Good job Aaron, Killin it, as per usual!

    1. Thank you so much Maddie. I love the pun by the way, whether it was intentional or not haha. Je t'aime. I appreciate you reading and commenting with your opinions throughout my blog. You were a loyal reader. Go ahead and live your life, have kids, have a wonderful family, but please promise me one thing: Never forget your good pal A-A-Ron who made you become so passionate about murder cases. Salutations.

  2. I am very sad to hear that your blogs have ended. I wish you could continue writing them even after reaching the 10 post requirement. Your topic was very interesting and the way you write is too. The only problem I have with your blog is your tendency to put double spaces everywhere. Have a great Hanukkah!

    1. I'm seeing a pattern of many of these fake comments. No comment on the blog itself is stated and it ends with a random statement. Care to explain?

  3. Aaron! Your blogs are very interesting and horrifying at the same time. I haven’t commented on any of your blog posts thus far because I don’t know much about this type of subject, so my comments would probably either be really repetitive or just plain clueless. But, having read your blogs, it’s scary to think that these terrible events have actually happened in this corrupted world that we live in.

  4. Aaron, I have to say, I really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Out of the ones that I got the chance to read, I can say that they were very interesting. After reading the cases that you presented, I found myself reflecting on how people can possibly be so cruel and how in some cases, people didn't feel as though they did anything wrong; they felt innocent.

  5. Aaron this blog was awesome and you are right, all great things do have to come to an end eventually. Thank you for making this blog, it kept me interested and fascinated along the way. Great job Aaron and remember to " Ecouter And No no no no" ahahah

  6. Fascinating, if disturbing topic. I'm fascinated by Jack the Ripper and really enjoyed that post. Can you explain how you came about your educated guesses? Sometimes I couldn't follow your reasoning.

    Hopefully you didn't inspire too many people. ;)
