Thursday, May 29, 2014

All Great Things Must Come to an End... Eventually

Well here it is. The last blog. FINALLY I'M DONE WITH THIS THING. Just kidding, I've really enjoyed learning about these various cases. It allows you to admire a different kind of intelligence. I hope you curious readers have enjoyed the past few blogs I have posted. But I really hope I haven't inspired any of you. Don't want a potential lawsuit on my hands here...

This blog has been a real eye opener for me because I've been learning that it's not always as difficult as we assume to do something like this. These criminals are intelligent, despite that I assume some of them have a mental disorder. To cover up your tracks like these last 8 people have done so well is beyond me.

I have provided my opinions over the past months on various murders that I discussed. Obviously my opinions will not be serving anyone justice, but it's more of a way to satisfy people who are bothered by unanswered questions. It may be vague sometimes, but it's better than nothing. My opinions were all educated guesses really. I didn't just say something because I had to have an opinion, I always had a reason to back up my ideas. I explored other opinions as well sometimes, and would explain how I agree or disagree with the testimonies.

Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoyed it. And if this blog did happen to inspire you, or give you some ideas... I'd prefer to be left out of your excuse as to why you killed someone. Anyway, see ya!

"The Highway of Tears"

If you are a Canadian originating or living in BC, it's very possible you've at one time taken a stroll or driven down Highway 16. That is the official name of the isolated county road, but locals from the area, as well as tourists often give it a different name. Ever since 1969, it has been more commonly known as the "Highway of Tears". It has earned that name because it is the last known location of over 11 (according to the Police department) young aboriginal women, before being found dead. The aboriginals from that community claim 11 deaths is only a fraction of the truth. They claim there have been more than 40 reports of missing natives from that highway, however there is no evidence to confirm that statement.
The lead suspect for this case is Bobby Jack Fowler. He passed away in an Oregon prison in 2006, after murdering a young aboriginal woman in the summer of 1974. 

Some people believe that this serial killing is the result of more than one person. I don't think so. Of course it is a possibility, but not one that I can believe. This is obviously either a racist individual, or someone who prefers sleeping with women of Native origins. I don't see this as being more than one person because that means there should be more evidence. This individual has done well at disposing of any evidence. If that person had an accomplice or accomplices, then there should be more evidence because there should be more evidence to cover up. 

If the murders were at the hands of Bobby Jack Fowler, the residents of BC can sleep a little more soundly at night knowing the potential killer won't be able to hurt any one else.
