Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Ripper Murders

It has been 120 years since the famous Ripper Murders took place in London, so to burst your bubble before you get too anxious, there will never be justice for these victims. Jack "the Ripper" is dead by now, and there will most likely never be any new evidence presented. He was given his name by the town newspaper because he liked cutting the body open multiple times after their death.

Jack "the Ripper" has more books/movies made about him, then every United States President combined. We find his life so interesting and hard to turn away from, because of his uniqe was of killing his victims. "He comes from out of the fog, kills violently and quickly, and disappears without a trace.” (Crime Library). One of the reasons that Jack received his name is because he would cut open his victims throats, which tore their vocal chords (restricting them from screaming) and causing them to hemorrhage (loose blood extremely quickly) to death within a matter of seconds. There is no antidote for something like that. No fixing it.

He was a creative killer, not encouraging it, but it's hard not to be fascinated by his various methods of torture. This is pretty solid proof, if I might say, that he might have suffered from a mental illness or something of the sort. On one occasion, Jack would stab his victim a good 40-50 times. You would think that 1 or 2 would be enough. This murder alone leads me to think that some sort of hatred inspired him to kill that person. I hypothesize if Jack might have had Intermittent Explosive disorder, which causes you to go on extreme rampages without fearing consequences. On another account, the victim was found dead with "[...] a blunt instrument rammed into her vagina" (Crime Library) which was her cause of death.

His victim count has not been confirmed since other unsolved murders in the area could possibly also be from him, but the 5 victims that were certainly him were female prostitutes in a small town in London, but none of his victims had been raped before death. I can't stop to wonder why prostitutes? He doesn't seem to be much of a vigilante, so what could it be?

There have always been speculations on who it might have been, but never any justice. I'm determined that Jack "the Ripper" was a younger man who had been suffering from an undiagnosed mental illness. To do those kinds of brutal killings, you must not be concious of the severity of what you are doing. Killing someone is one thing It doesn't take a psychopath to murder someone, but to impale someone, or to stab someone 50 times, that takes a real lunatic. I still don't completely understand why he chose to murder prostitutes, if he didn't sexually abuse them, then why them? There is always the thought in my head that he might kill these women to feed hunger for murder. He might have chosen prostitutes because to him, they might have been the most vulnerable, and most unlikely to defend themselves or seek protection.

Little Side Note:
Frances Coles was a woman who was found dead near the Ripper murders locations, but her death was assumed to be by another man of the area. He was sentenced, then years after, it was finally discovered that he wasn't Coles' killer, but she had in fact been part of the Ripper serial killings.



  1. Aaron thank you! I was hoping you might touch on this legendary killer. Being strange and unusual I can't help but be fascinated by the brutality and mystery forever surrounding Jack The Ripper. Not that I condone it by any means though. I agree with your assumption that he must have been suffering from some undiagnosed mental disorder. With the state of medicine at that time it isn't surprising. Its crazy to think that 120 years later we still speak of him.

    1. "Not that I condone it by any means though," psssh, yeah, right. We all know you're a direct descendant of the great Himmler himself. All kidding aside, this post reminds me of the time a certain individual in our history class said that they'd like to return to Victorian London because it was during the time of Jack The Ripper... A comment that I will probably never understand.

  2. I absolutely love reading this blog Aaron, always so interesting and full of crazy murderers! "Jack the Ripper" is one of the more famous and mysterious killers to this day because of the fact he was never caught. I will never understand why people murder others or the satisfaction they get from it! Awesome blog Aaron, always keeping me interested!!

  3. Oooouh! I'm so glad you chose to write about Jack the Ripper, this takes me back to my serial killer obsessed days. I was always so intrigued about the mysteries of this murderous man. So little is known about him that we're able to interpret and create his history is so many different ways. I strongly don't believe that the Ripper was severely mentally ill, otherwise it would've been apparent or more suspicion would have been raised, leaving us with more possible suspects to put a face to the name. Other theories have been raised as well, being that Jack the Ripper was even possibly multiple people. Soon after the Ripper killings became public, similar cases began happening in America as well, leaving some to believe that he'd even ventured over seas. Despite all these theories, we'll never know the absolute truth about him. Anywho, thank you for sharing your spin on Jack the ripper :)

  4. My oh my Aaron! This blog is super interesting! It's really sad that Jack was never caught for the terrible crimes he committed. Back in that day he would have probably been hanged by the neck until dead. Sadly, though, not everyone receives the Karma they deserve. If only someone would have........ripped......this case open. YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  5. This is really interesting because nobody knows who he was and he never got caught. If they did catch him, they would have probably beheaded him or fed him to the rats. But, alas he is dead right now, probably dies of old age or another boring way. Good job

  6. I have actually been on a Ripper tour in England. I viewed all the sites in which the murders have taken place. I saw images of the women he killed and I must say they were disgusting- I am someone who likes looking at gruesome stuff but that was hard to look at. I heard that one night he had kill one women and went to kill an other, on that same night he was almost caught by the main invertigator. At his house, he must have thought of it all as a game. The investigator, claimed to have seen a shadow of a man on the street, when he stopped his chariot, he lost sight of him, the next day when the dead victim was discovered near by, he knew that he had seen Jack Ripper. It is an interesting case, I could talk about it forever, but my fingers would fall off from all the typing.
