Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The HinterKaifeck Farm Murders

This next case is easily one of the most terrifying. It takes place in early 20th century Germany, on a remote farm, where the Gruber family was brutally murdered, about 1 hour from the nearest city. The Gruber family was kilometres away from the nearest home, surrounded by empty crops and vegetation. The property was also very run-down, not taken care of, and the house and barn were beginning to fall apart. The husband of the household is known to have beaten his children, but I do not suspect it as the reason for murder since the kids, wife and maid were also killed in cold blood.

The family was average, not particularly liked, but also not hated. The day of the murder, the maid had been replaced with a new one. This rises my interest. To me, it seems too unlikely to be a coincidence, but there is no way to prove me right or wrong. The thought of the old maid killing the family after replacing her, popped into my head. But it seems unrealistic. The previous maid left on good terms. Four of the family members were found dead in the barn, believed to be lead there by someone. The other two kids, were killed in their sleep in the house.

This case reminds me of the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which remains one of the most disturbing movies I've ever seen. The killer in this case killed the victims with a strike on the head with a pickaxe. Not a very friendly weapon. Andreas Gruber, the father, saw many signs to show that someone had been watching them, but he never put the pieces together. There were mysterious items placed around the house (such as a newspaper he had never heard of), there were foot prints in the snow found one morning coming from the forest. Also, one night Mr Gruber awoke in his sleep when he heard noises arising from the attic. That's the scary part, the fact that this killer might have been spying on them for days with out the family even knowing.

I get this feeling that the killers might have been distant neighbours, who may have had some unknown reason to kill the family. The police says that after the Grubers were killed, the murderer(s) lived in the Kaifeck farm for days afterward and even took care of the farm animals. It seems a little pathetic, but it's all I can think of. The family was obviously hated by the killers since they drove a pick between their eyes. The reason I think the murderer(s) were locals is because they took care of the animals.

There is also the spiritual possibility, where it is believed that the family was murdered by ghosts or some type of paranormal creature. The reason the first maid left, was because she believed the house was haunted... I seriously doubt it, but there technically is no proof against it.

"[The person who created] those strange footprints that cold March morning, only they know exactly what occurred in Hinterkaifeck." (Ghost Theory).



  1. Wow, I definitely got chills down my spine while reading this entry. You do a fantastic job of setting that eerie and terrifying tone at the very beginning. This case is so unique. I can't help but cringe at the thought of the killer surveilling the family then inhabiting their home after the murder. So freaky! I found this entry super interesting and fascinating, but also really well written! Keep it up :)

  2. Dear Aaron,

    I thoroughly believe that your blog on unsolved murder cases is the best unsolved murder case blog of our class. It is very informative and I often find myself being informed by it. I hope you continue to write this blog because I like it very very much and if you stop writing them you’ll probably fail school. Have a great Christmas,

  3. Honestly Aaron, for some unknown reason, I haven't read any of your blogs up to this point (nothing personal). I realize now that there has been a gaping hole in my life that your unsolved murder cases are filling up. Your storytelling is phenomenal (nothing new there), and I enjoy seeing your input to confirm my own suspicions. After reading this blog, I may finally have to check on that strange noise coming from my attic. Not sure if I should thank you or curse you for that ;)

  4. You for sure started this post off properly by telling us that it was the most terrifying. The whole situation is really bizarre dmd the thought that the murderer(s) was/were watching them from their attic is even more worrisome. It really makes you wonder what this family could have possibly done that was so terrible for someone to murder their entire family...

  5. This is crazy! This case has the potential to be turned into a movie, the story seems like something from a movie! The picture you posted with this is very creepy looking and definitely adds to you awesome story telling. I don't even want to think or picture the details of the murder! So creepy, but yet so interesting to read. Thans Aaron!

  6. OH MY GOD!!! This would be the scariest movie if Hollywood created one. The fact that the killer was in the house for weeks after the killing of the family makes it very scary. Like it must have been planned for it to happen unnoticed. The person is surely psychotic! Great entry, can't wait for the next creepy one!

  7. I couldn't imagine living on some farm in the middle of nowhere for exactly these reasons. Having seen enough scary movies, watched enough crime shows and read about so many different murders of this sort I would be much too afraid. I understand the necessity for some to live out of town for farming purposes and such but don't they think 'what do we do if someone or something attacks us?'. You always impress me with your blog entries.
