Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Though I am not positive, I imagine that this case is part of the reason why my parents won't allow me to leave the country with my friends for a grad trip until I turn 18. This case is frightening because it has many possible endings. It is different from the other cases I have discussed because not only is the killer unknown, but the body is also missing. The corpse plays a huge part in the investigation. In this case it might have even revealed the missing clues to put the offender behind bars.

Natalee Holloway on her Aruba grad trip (2005)
Natalee Holloway was born on October 21st 1986. She was a beautiful girl with a promising future. She was a senior at a school in Mississippi looking to have a fun and wild week in Aruba with her friends to celebrate their success in May of 2005. After settling in at their resort, on May 30th, Natalee and her friends from school went to a bar near by. She met this Dutchman named Joron van der Sloot. He was an international student taking his classes in Aruba. The night was eventually coming to an end, so Natalee accompanied him back to his place. That was the last time her friends had ever seen her. Van der Sloot being the last person to see her is the only suspect.

Natalee Holloway was declared dead after being missing for 7 years by an Alabama judge, even though her whereabouts are still unknown to this day.

This case has no concrete information on what happened to Natalee. Nancy Grace announced before that "The Jaw bone of Natalee Holloway" had been found on her show. But it was not true. There are plenty of different 'clues' online at anyone's disposal. Mind you they are mostly all fake. Each one is different from the next.

Suspected body of Holloway found in Aruban waters
A couple years after Holloway's disappearance, a Pennsylvania couple was snorkeling in the Aruban waters. Upon their arrival at home, they finally developed the picture that they had taken underwater. This is what they found. This image is suspected to be the deteriorated body of Natalee. Investigators claimed to get a scuba diving team together to investigate, but there has been no new news concerning this event for years. Which means it probably wasn't even a body to begin with.

On a side note, van der Sloot has confessed to murdering a white female in Peru by the name of Stephany Flores Ramirez. He claimed to have killed her 5 years after the accusations toward him regarding Holloway.

Joron van der Sloot

There are many theories to what happened to Holloway the night of her disappearance. The most common one was that she was raped and killed on Joron van der Sloot's boat. Investigators suspect that she has bricks tied to her feet and she is at the bottom of the ocean. Then there is another theory, the more unlikely one that I believe in. The interview was removed from the internet, but years ago I watched this video with van der Sloot implying that he sold Holloway to some men that he had met up with in the ocean. This of course, might just be another one of his lies, but I think he actually admitted the truth.

Van der Sloot admits to taking Holloway to the beach, where most people think he raped her on his boat and dropped her body in the water. But I believe he sold her body to someone in the waters who might be using her for a sex service in another country. That's right, I do believe she's still alive. So does Dr. Phil McGraw. It's a terrifying thought to think that she is still out there praying for help. If my assumption is true, and she is a white slave, her chance for being found is close to none. These industries work very secretly and often have the women drinking or taking drugs constantly. They aren't completely conscious of what's is going on. The sex industry generates billions of dollars each year. It was something he could profit from, since he didn't have much of it. By selling a beautiful American girl, he was probably paid a satisfying amount. All sex slave industries want to get their hands on an American to be their property and join their business.

It makes me sad that the Holloway family will never have the reassurance to know what happened to their daughter that night. With all the theories, some being worse than others, I can't even imagine what goes on in their head. All the different thoughts would keep me awake every night until I found out the truth. I would stop at nothing to find out what happened, just like Mrs. Beth Holloway has been doing for nearly 10 years.

We can all avoid this situation from repeating, especially since our own graduation is just around the corner. See you all next time and thanks for reading.









  1. This case reminds me of a movie I once watched with my sister. "Taken," I believe it was called. These girls went on vacation in Paris and were deceived by young men who found out where they were staying and sold that information to men in the sex industry. It is absolutely horrid that stories such as these actually happen, especially for someone like myself, who wishes to eventually have a European sojourn.

    1. Natalie makes a very smart link here. This is a very similar case to the one portrayed in 'Taken'. I find it very sad and heartbreaking that young innocent girls, who were looking for nothing more than a good time and a celebration, meet such awful fates. There are really some cruel and sick people in the world who take advantage of these girls and they all deserve and equally terrible, if not worse fate, in my opinion that is.

  2. damn, that was a nice rush in my head, scared me a bit, but now i am aware of many things that could happen, and i just wanted to put it out there that Natalee looks like a girl from this movie I recently watched named white chicks, anyways keep up the good work man.

  3. Wow this case is really similar to the movie “Taken”. I never really thought that the events in the movie actually happen in today’s world. Worst part of it all is the fact that nobody knows where this young girl is. I have no idea what I would do as the parent if that were to happen to my child. It’s something hard to understand.

  4. I have graced you with my last comment ever because I couldn't think of any other people to annoy. You haven't really commented on my blog which makes me kinda sad so I'll just sit here eating double chocolate ice milk with a soup spoon straight out of the tub until I see one of your amazing comments appear on my computer screen. Then I'll continue eating because flavour, am I right?
